2. I, also, looked at teachertube, kidstube, and schooltube. I find all these sites useful. I think it would be hard to keep track of cataloging the videos unless I did a good job of chronicling the ones I find useful onto my SAN somehow. In my teachertube research, I did find some good reviews for map exams, like this one about the 50 states and their capitals. 50 States and Capitals Song . I also found a helpful tutorial that I could put on my website (or blog) for my students who need help using Google Earth . I definitely could also use this to give notes over regions, create my own notes, or have students do something similar for a project. We could even 'voice-over' a region as we 'flew over a specific region/country/city/landmark on Google Earth. I think the kids would love it.
3. I think that some of the laws that follow copyright infringement and fair use are a bit difficult to follow, but if I am using images or information for education purposes only, I guess it is acceptable. I get confused when I go to the creative commons area as to what images I can use and how to copy them. I did LOVE that it shows you on a map where the photo was taken (so useful in Geo). I hope the more I work with Flickr, the better I will get at it.
4.I had a Dropbox account from our professional development with Terri. So, I just logged into it and created a new folder entitled World Geography notes. It is an easy way to upload all of our classroom notes (powerpoint/ACTIVboard) and let the students access them from home. I went ahead and added our most recent notes over Hinduism (hence the picture of the Holi Festival above)
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